[UAS] Drone Day! Sign up for the Second Annual

Schnaufer, Christophe - (schnaufer) schnaufer at arizona.edu
Tue Mar 28 11:34:50 MST 2023

I'm happy to announce that we're having our Second Annual Drone Day on April 7, 2023!

You can sign up at https://forms.gle/sVXJ5yihjJgXsUUj9

To find out more information on this day, you can find that at https://drones.arizona.edu/events/71-second-annual-ua-drone-day

We are still looking for people who would like to present, fly a drone, or show off what they are working on. If this is you, please enter your information when you sign up!

If you are planning on flying a drone, we will be contacting you for your information so that we can get the proper authorization.

So sign up, and we'll see you there!



[cid:7cdb0153-63cc-47c0-8152-37fd9c67602a]      Chris Schnaufer
R&D Software Engineer III
CCT Data Science

PO BOX 210036 | TUCSON, AZ 85721-0036
schnaufer at arizona.edu<mailto:schnaufer at email.arizona.edu>
facebook<https://facebook.com/uarizona> | twitter<https://twitter.com/uofa> | instagram<https://www.instagram.com/uarizona> | linkedin<https://www.linkedin.com/school/the-university-of-arizona>

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