[UAS] Drone Discussion Group Meeting Next Monday

Schnaufer, Christophe - (schnaufer) schnaufer at arizona.edu
Mon Jul 24 10:28:56 MST 2023


This is a reminder that on this coming Monday, July 31, at 4:00PM we are holding our next Drone Discussion Group meeting.

My apologies to everyone in this group for missing the June meeting. Something came up and not only didn't I send out a note, but I also didn't start the meeting or have someone else start or run the meeting. I have added some measures to ensure that doesn't happen again

We have the same agenda again for this month's meeting, which is: planning for the next year

I will be sending out a reminder email later this week containing the Zoom information

Cheers and have a great week,


[cid:a65376fa-be28-45e8-9c4f-1adfe13197ee]      Chris Schnaufer
R&D Software Engineer III
CCT Data Science

PO BOX 210036 | TUCSON, AZ 85721-0036
schnaufer at arizona.edu<mailto:schnaufer at email.arizona.edu>
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