[UAS] Reschedule Drone Day, April 28

Schnaufer, Christophe - (schnaufer) schnaufer at arizona.edu
Thu Apr 20 08:31:21 MST 2023


This email is to inform you that we have rescheduled this year's Drone Day to take place Friday April 28, 2023 from 8:30am - 1pm.

Because of the hot weather conditions, we have decided that there will be no drone flying session as part of this year's rescheduled event. Rest assured that we will make up for this year's drone flying session in next year's event. Also, feel free to still bring your drones to the presentation session to share!

If you are already registered but are now unable to attend due to the change in date, please let Chris (schnaufer at arizona.edu) or Kristina (kristinariemer at arizona.edu) know. We have updated the event website and registration form if you have colleagues who are interested and able to attend.

We appreciate your patience and understanding. We look forward to seeing you at Drone Day next week!



[cid:f8f2e38e-b8b0-4274-aa4e-8d61f9ae2d0b]      Chris Schnaufer
R&D Software Engineer III
CCT Data Science

PO BOX 210036 | TUCSON, AZ 85721-0036
schnaufer at arizona.edu<mailto:schnaufer at email.arizona.edu>
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