[UAS] Fw: [EXT]FW: ALARC seminar series: James Kim seminar_3-1-2021

Abdel-Haleem, Hussein - ARS hussein.abdel-haleem at usda.gov
Mon Mar 1 12:49:37 MST 2021

My apologies for the late forwarding.

From: David Shaner LeBauer <dlebauer at email.arizona.edu> on behalf of Abdel-Haleem, Hussein - ARS <hussein.abdel-haleem at usda.gov>
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 2:34 PM
To: Pauli, William Duke - (dukepauli) <dukepauli at arizona.edu>; Andrade Sanchez, Pedro - (pandrade) <pandrade at ag.arizona.edu>; LeBauer, David Shaner - (dlebauer) <dlebauer at arizona.edu>; Green, Malcolm K - (mkgreen) <mkgreen at arizona.edu>
Subject: Fwd: [EXT]FW: ALARC seminar series: James Kim seminar_3-1-2021
When: Monday, March 1, 2021 1:00 PM-2:00 PM.
Where: zoom

Hi Chris - can you please forward to the Drone interest group?

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Abdel-Haleem, Hussein - ARS <hussein.abdel-haleem at usda.gov<mailto:hussein.abdel-haleem at usda.gov>>
Date: Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 4:24 PM
Subject: [EXT]FW: ALARC seminar series: James Kim seminar_3-1-2021
To: Pauli, William Duke - (dukepauli) <dukepauli at email.arizona.edu<mailto:dukepauli at email.arizona.edu>>, Andrade Sanchez, Pedro - (pandrade) <pandrade at ag.arizona.edu<mailto:pandrade at ag.arizona.edu>>, LeBauer, David Shaner - (dlebauer) <dlebauer at email.arizona.edu<mailto:dlebauer at email.arizona.edu>>, Green, Malcolm K - (mkgreen) <mkgreen at arizona.edu<mailto:mkgreen at arizona.edu>>

External Email

FYI, you are welcome to join the seminar below and feel free to share with others interested in HTP. Thanks. -James

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Abdel-Haleem, Hussein - ARS <hussein.abdel-haleem at usda.gov<mailto:hussein.abdel-haleem at usda.gov>>
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 11:37 AM
To: Abdel-Haleem, Hussein - ARS; ARS-PWA-MARICOPA-ALL; Kim, James - ARS
Cc: Bronson, Kevin; Mehl, Hillary - ARS; Opoku, Joseph - ARS; French, Andrew; Fabrick, Jeff; Hull, Joe; Callicott, Ken - ARS; Rockholt, Sharette; Dukes, Pamela - ARS; Serba, Des - ARS; Machtley, Scott; Thorp, Kelly; Williams, Clinton; Brent, Colin; Roybal, Mike; Hagler, James - ARS; Conley, Matthew; Knopf, Allan; Kimball, Bruce - ARS; Johnson, Kathy - ARS; Wall, Gary; LeRoy, Danni; Gardner, Harry
Subject: ALARC seminar series: James Kim seminar_3-1-2021
When: Monday, March 1, 2021 1:00 PM-2:00 PM (UTC-07:00) Arizona.
Where: zoom


I would like to invite you to attend James’ seminar at 3/1/2021.  James has accepted a position at ARS-Stoneville and will be moving to at March.  His seminar’  title is “ Remote Sensing & Imaging for Intelligent HTP".

please join and enjoy.

Have very great day, and

Stay safe


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David LeBauer
Director of Data Sciences
CALS Comm and Technologies

BSRL, 207
1230 N Cherry Ave | Tucson, AZ 85721
Office: 520-621-4381 | Cell: 760-468-8621
dlebauer at arizona.edu<mailto:dlebauer at arizona.edu>

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