[UAS] Notes from our last meeting

Schnaufer, Christophe - (schnaufer) schnaufer at arizona.edu
Wed Jun 9 16:26:31 MST 2021


Here are the abbreviated notes from our last meeting on May 24, 2021. Please feel free to make corrections or to expand on these notes!

The full notes for this meeting, as well as older ones, can be found at https://hackmd.io/qmEvvCivSd-92Vla01-XVw?view.


  *   Kamel mentioned that NEON is flying drones and people can join in flying drones
  *   Artin Majdi joined us to discuss MLFlow which can be used to develop and run ML  (Machine Learning) algorithms. CyVerse is working on supporting MLFlow in the Discovery Environment. If you are using ML, you may want to check out what MLFlow offers
  *   Andrew French is working with Planet Labs, who are using ML for their work: https://storage.googleapis.com/planet-ditl/day-in-the-life/index.html
  *   Tyson suggested going to https://faasafety.gov to link your drone pilot license with the site
  *   It was suggested that Jeff Gillman provide a Metashape workshop at our next meeting
  *   Kamel recommended contacting RSSL for drone battery best practices;  they can become dangerous through age, improper storage, and due to other factors

Thanks for reading! Our next meeting is June 28, 2021 @ 4:00PM.

Cheers until then,


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[cid:42c09d12-a2b6-4297-bc6d-f907bdb04c45]      Chris Schnaufer
R&D Software Engineer III
CALS Comm and Technologies

PO BOX 210036 | TUCSON, AZ 85721-0036
Office: 520-621-3633
schnaufer at email.arizona.edu<mailto:schnaufer at email.arizona.edu>
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