[UAS] January 11, 2021 Meeting Summary

Schnaufer, Christophe - (schnaufer) schnaufer at arizona.edu
Thu Jan 14 10:37:26 MST 2021


Here is the summary of the meeting notes from our meeting on January 11, 2021. The full meeting notes are available on HackMD at https://hackmd.io/qmEvvCivSd-92Vla01-XVw?view.

The next meeting is scheduled for January 25, 2021 @4:00PM Tuscon local time (MST).


  *   We also discussed how this meeting is open to everyone that's interested. Feel free to add/suggest people and forward meeting emails, or have them sign up http://calsmail.arizona.edu/mailman/listinfo/uas
  *   A meeting calendar email was sent out to assist in scheduling. This needs to be updated with Zoom information and sent out in Google and Outlook formats
  *   Matt Rahr presented on the group's web site. The plan is to use the UA quick start template (Drupal-based); it provides forms and calendars and many other features. The URL will be drones.arizona.edu<http://drones.arizona.edu/>. We will also make use of Confluence and other resources as needed
  *   We will try to get someone from Risk Management to present at the next meeting to discuss UA drone flight requirements
  *   There was a discussion on the changing landscape of drone flights: transponder requirements and public flight registration entities were the main topics
  *   Some links were posted that people may be interested in (please see the HackMD meeting notes)

I think I caught it all. Please feel free to let me know of corrections and if I missed something.

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Best regards,


[cid:b74f7f8d-b33d-41de-824d-059221d97628]      Chris Schnaufer
Scientific Programmer, Data Scientist
CALS Comm and Technologies

PO BOX 210036 | TUCSON, AZ 85721-0036
Office: 520-621-3633
schnaufer at email.arizona.edu<mailto:schnaufer at email.arizona.edu>
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