[UAS] Meeting Monday January 11 @ 4:00PM AZ time (MST)

Schnaufer, Christophe - (schnaufer) schnaufer at arizona.edu
Fri Jan 8 10:51:55 MST 2021

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had wonderful holidays and that the new year is finding you and your loved ones healthy and safe.

Here is the link to the previous meeting notes: https://hackmd.io/1TpYIJszTgGwqalhMApi_g?view

This is a reminder that our next meeting is this Monday, January 11, 2021 @ 4:00PM (MST). If anyone would like to present during this meeting let me know and I will add you to the agenda.

Here's the preliminary agenda, with Zoom meeting information to follow:

  *   Start meeting & introductions (10 min)
  *   Quick review of previous meeting notes (3 min)
  *   Status update on items from last meeting (10 min)
  *   Discuss what’s wanted from a website and drone information store (can be used to fill out permission form?) (20 min)
  *   Presentations (10 min)
  *   Wrap up and schedule next meeting (5 min)

I will see you on Monday!

Best regards,


[cid:4d7aa666-f75b-47fc-9d7d-738c44b5467c]      Chris Schnaufer
Scientific Programmer, Data Scientist
CALS Comm and Technologies

PO BOX 210036 | TUCSON, AZ 85721-0036
Office: 520-621-3633
schnaufer at email.arizona.edu<mailto:schnaufer at email.arizona.edu>
facebook<https://facebook.com/uarizona> | twitter<https://twitter.com/uofa> | instagram<https://www.instagram.com/uarizona> | linkedin<https://www.linkedin.com/school/the-university-of-arizona>

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