[UAS] Meeting notes for March 22, 2021

Schnaufer, Christophe - (schnaufer) schnaufer at arizona.edu
Fri Apr 2 12:04:16 MST 2021


Thank you attending our meeting on March 22! You can find the notes I took at the last meeting on HackMD: https://hackmd.io/qmEvvCivSd-92Vla01-XVw?view

In summary,

  1.  We reviewed the web site at https://drones.arizona.edu. It now includes a form for submitting drone information, one entry per drone,  and search capabilities. Feedback was received and additional is appreciated
  2.  Herb Wagner joined our group for this meeting to discuss requirements for flying Drones on Campus and UA property. The notes have more details on the very interesting discussion.
  3.  Our next meeting is on April 26, 2021. A new invitation needs to be sent out since there's Zoom link issues with the current one.

We're always looking for someone to present at our meetings. If you know of someone, or have an idea on what you'd like, let me know!

Best regards,


[cid:e92ca919-cb0d-46b2-8686-b8a1061ae93b]      Chris Schnaufer
Scientific Programmer, Data Scientist
CALS Comm and Technologies

PO BOX 210036 | TUCSON, AZ 85721-0036
Office: 520-621-3633
schnaufer at email.arizona.edu<mailto:schnaufer at email.arizona.edu>
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