[UAS] Checking - Re: Hobbyists and UAS usage within the UA domain

Kamel Didan kd.uofa at gmail.com
Tue Oct 25 12:07:50 MST 2016

Hi Matt and the rest,

Not sure if this will make it to the full listserver, or not?

But I am curious if we should try to organize an informal get together and
discuss new happenings, especially new rules and what seems to be a
direction to require a pilot license for drone operators? Any University
rules/Liability? Where people are going with this, etc..

What do you think-


Kamel Didan, Ph.D.
Associate Professor,
Ag. and Biosystems Engineering.
Director, VIP Lab.
The University of Arizona
1177 E. 4th Street,
Shantz Building <http://iiewww.ccit.arizona.edu/uamap/staticLarge/38.html>,
Room 501A
Tucson, AZ, USA 85721-0038
Tel. (520) 621-8514
 Fax: (520) 621-3963
https://vip.arizona.edu <http://vip.arizona.edu/>
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