[UAS] Fw: Santa Cruz NRCD meeting and workshop 9:00 am Thursday, October 15, at the Santa Fe Ranch

Mcclaran, Mitchel P - (mcclaran) mcclaran at email.arizona.edu
Sun Sep 27 21:16:22 MST 2015

Hi Everyone,

Here is a UAS demonstration for ranchers in southern Arizona.

I think Matt Rahr and I will attend, and it looks like several folks from USDA ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center in Tucson will also attend.



Mitch McClaran
Professor, School of Natural Resources and the Environment
Director for Research, Santa Rita Experimental Range
Assistant Director, Arizona Experiment Station
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
University of Arizona
520-390-9801 (cell)
520-621-1673 (office)
Office Location: 112 Biological Sciences East

From: Heilman, Phil <Phil.Heilman at ARS.USDA.GOV>
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2015 8:04 AM
To: Swetnam, Tyson L - (tswetnam); Mcclaran, Mitchel P - (mcclaran); Nichols, Mary
Subject: FW: Santa Cruz NRCD meeting and workshop 9:00 am Thursday, October 15, at the Santa Fe Ranch



Philip Heilman
Research Leader
USDA-ARS Southwest Watershed Research Center
2000 E. Allen Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85719
Voice: (520) 647-9202
Fax:   (520) 670-5550
Cell:  (520) 982-2841
From: William Schock [schocks3 at msn.com]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 4:29 PM
Subject: Santa Cruz NRCD meeting and workshop 9:00 am Thursday, October 15, at the Santa Fe Ranch

We are planning a workshop that will feature the use of drones (UAV's) for ranches and for other conservation efforts that will be held at 9:00 am Thursday, October 15, at the Santa Fe Ranch near Nogales.  This will be to help ranchers and other conservationists identify how drones could be useful in their day to day operations and help in identifying the type that would be most useful to them.  We will spend less time talking about them and more time in demonstrating their different abilities and discuss exactly how to acquire them, what to consider when buying and what it takes to operate them.

There will be lunch provided afterword and we will have a short business meeting.

Currently, we will be joined by
Darling Geomatics to discuss their 3D mapping of the Horshoe Draw in Cochise County with a UAV.
Pat Call, Cochise County Supervisor and amateur UAV operator and photographer about his experiences.
AUV Flight Services of Tucson will display and demonstrate a UAV in flight and answer questions.

If anyone knows of anyone currently using a UAV within our district for agricultural or conservation purposes, please let me know because it would be good to get a local perspective on their use.

I will get a formal agenda out to you as we get closer to the event.  Please mark your calendar now and plan to attend.

Look forward to seeing you there,

Bill Schock
Chairman, Santa Cruz NRCD
Cell: 520-255-3879
schocks3 at msn.com<mailto:schocks3 at msn.com>
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